Sully Baseball Podcast – Flash Gordon, the crazy Pirates/Tigers game and Ties – March 31, 2018


Dino De Laurentiis, Universal Pictures – Matt Freed/Post-Gazette

The crazy 13 inning looney fest Pittsburgh Detroit opener today reminded me of Flash Gordon for a lot of good and bad reasons.

Plus it made me realize I was dead right about ties in baseball.

DIIIIIVVVVVVVE into this episode of Sully Baseball.

While we are at it, enjoy the In Memoriam video.

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Sully Baseball Podcast – Making the Case for Ties – March 20, 2018



I take a deep dive in the proposal to allow games end as a tie after 12 innings. It makes sense and wouldn’t REALLY effect the pennant race.

Neither winning nor losing on this episode of Sully Baseball.

While we are at it, enjoy the In Memoriam video.

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Sully Baseball Podcast Rewind -June 14, 2013


On June 14, 2013, I took a look at the rash of extra inning games, especially an 18 marathon between the Yankees and Oakland.

Enjoy this Podcast Rewind

Sully Baseball Daily Podcast – June 14, 2013